Tales of a Secret Rockstar

I'm so bored of little gods, while I'm standing on the edge of something large, while I'm standing here so close to You . . .

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

There's nothing like being up at 11:15 and staring at a blank screen, just sort of hoping inspiration will come. It's kind of the way I got through school. So I guess it's worked surprisingly well in the past. I feel that this blog, and of course the ever brilliant http://stopfiverecords.blogspot.com/ has managed to outlive the coolness of blogging. It was difficult, and this blog in particular barely survived. But here we are. I'm one of those people who tends to see more value in something once the fad has come and gone. Now that everyone's dropping out (except for a few teenage girls and a whole lot of non-english speakers), perhaps this blog will pick up again. I'm inching closer to writing a book. Very slowly I'm inching closer. More like, um, millimetering? Anyways, perhaps some more writing would be therapeutic. Or useful. Or both. It's funny because when I read certain books (ahem: Rob Bell), I get so frustrated at the abundance of sentence fragments. And yet here I am using them, and not very effectively I might add.

I have two book ideas to choose from. Either a book about the creeping process of branding and marketing that North American Christianity seems to be subject to, or a book about nothing. That second one just came to me now, so I'll probably go with the first one. I've given that one a little more thought. Something about the "coolification" of faith.

I'm amazed at how many youth groups call themselves a "movement". Then they sell T-shirts and set up websites. As far as I'm concerned, we don't need any of these small, localized movements. We're already part of the movement! It's called the Kingdom of God! I think when I have a youth group I'm not going to give it a name. And I'll teach my youth to think.
Okay, that last sentence may have been a bit of a cheapshot.

I was thinking about starting an atheist club today. Some kind of thing where I invite atheists to hang out, and we talk about God or go through the life of Jesus or something. And just thinking about it was the most fullfilling experience of my life. Teeheehee

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Here's a quote from Scandal of the Evangelical Mind which I just stole from the Registrar and started reading. It's from Os Guinness:

Evangelicals have been deeply sinful in being anti-intellectual ever since the
1820s and 1830s. For a long time we didn't pay the cultural price for that
because we had the numbers, the social zeal, and the spiritual passion for the
gospel. But today we are beginning to pay the cultural price. And
you can see that most evangelicals simply don't think. For example, there
has been no serious evangelical public philosophy in this century. . . . It has
always been a sin not to love the Lord our God with our minds as well as our
hearts and souls. . . . We have excused this with a degree of pietism and
pretend[ing] that this is something other than what it is -- that is, sin. . . .
Evangelicals need to repent of their refusal to think Christianly and to develop
the mind of Christ.

Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Mark A Noll. p. 23


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